Big red dogs looking for love

Black dogs, kennel collars and winter wear have been moving out of Friends of Greyhounds at a good clip the past couple of weeks.

Apollo at Friends of Greyhounds 12-14-17
Apollo hanging out at FoG on Thursday
But the Sunrise adoption shelter still has a quartet of fawns as well as a brindle beauty that would love to have permanent homes for the holidays.

Apollo, at 8 years old, is the eldest of the current residents. He landed at FoG two weeks ago after being in his home for 6 years. 

Apollo wasn't much of a racer. He ran twice in Melbourne in 2011 as D's Red Fury before moving to Birmingham, AL, where he ran in five maiden races, always finishing near the back of the pack.

He was adopted six years ago, shortly after his racing career ended. But he recently went through a family breakup and moved into an apartment in Coconut Creek with his dad.

His caretaker works long hours, and Apollo soon became really unhappy with his situation, spending long hours by himself day after day. Dad reluctantly gave him up but knew it was the best thing to do for Apollo.

Apollo cheered up immediately after moving into his FoG kennel, being surrounded by humans and other greyhounds 24 hours a day. He's a cheerful, sociable boy who loves attention. He loved going on FoG's recent outings at Dog Dude Ranch and Flamingo Road Nursery.

Michelle hasn't tested him yet for cat-tolerance but plans to do so soon. Check with her for a possible update on that.

Mercury at Friends of Greyhounds
Mercury, in a photo taken in September
Mercury is a muscular, sleek, athletic boy who has been at FoG since August. This high-energy, mischievous boy came to FoG straight off the track. This 4-year-old has never lived in a home but would love one with a fenced yard where he could burn off some energy. Click here to read my account of Mercury's story.

Casey at Friends of Greyhounds 12-14-17
Casey at FoG on Thursday
Casey, at 2 years old, is the youngest of the FoG adoptables. Casey has really come out of his shell in the past several months but still has a way to go. He is happy and secure and really playful in familiar surroundings. But he does not like the unknown.
Casey loves hanging out with dogs and humans he knows. He loves it when one of us humans goes out to the yard with him for his turnouts. 

He's been great with a few visitors to the kennel once he sizes them up for a few minutes. Michelle and I took him on a home visit about a months ago -- once he figured out he was in a safe fenced yard and the resident dog wasn't a threat, he let go and had a great time playing and exploring.

On the other hand, I've put him on a leash a couple of times to get him out exploring the neighborhood, and he wants no part of it. Strange noises and unknown humans and passing vehicles send him into a panic.

He was in a townhome with a cat and a single mom for a few months earlier this year. Mom gave it a valiant effort. She had no enclosed area for him and needed to leash walk him. He never made it easy for her, and she decided it would be best to return him to FoG.

Casey has to have a fenced yard to call his own. If you can offer that to him, this big, handsome, cat-friendly boy will give you all the love and devotion you would want.

Here's a look at him when he's happy, hanging out with Dusty and Apollo and trying to get my attention:

And another, Casey responding when I talk to him:

I love this guy, would bring him home to live with Dusty and me in a heartbeat if I had a yard to give him.

Logan at Friends of Greyhounds
Logan, in a photo from September
Logan is the longest-tenured guest at FoG. He's been in Sunrise since June and is another hound with family experience. Click here to read my account of Logan's story.

Fella at Friends of Greyhounds
Fella hanging out at FoG on Thursday
Fella is the brindle of the group. He's another another 4-year-old who arrived straight off the track in August. Fella is another high-energy guy, but he's more of a lover than his buddy Mercury. Fella goes mellow pretty quickly when you give him a little physical attention. Click here to read my account of Fella's story.

All five of these hounds are ready to go home with you right now. Call Michelle at Friends of Greyhounds, 954-578-0072, or send her an email at to set a time to visit them.

You're welcome to come to the Sunrise kennels to window-shop at any time that's convenient for you. Just call ahead to let her know you're coming. Michelle said she'll arrange a delivery with you for any time on any day, including Christmas Day.



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