King, Speedy want a piece of your heart

Victory King at FoG
King puts on a little attitude for the camera. Don't worry, it's all for show. In reality, he's 100% lover.
Speedy and Victory King are coming up on a month now since they arrived in South Florida from Macau. All their vet work is done, they've adjusted extremely well to life in the Friends of Greyhounds kennels -- and now they're eager to move on to the next stage of their lives.

These guys are among the sweetest and most eager to please greyhounds I've met since I started volunteering at FoG. No doubt each of these guys will be thrilled to find a permanent home and a family to call their own.

The two girls FoG adopted out last week -- Yukii and Noel -- had the same kind of disposition. Sonia at Elite Greyhound Adoptions has said the greyhounds she's imported from Macau are the same way. I've spent a bit of time with Speedy and King over the past few days and have gotten to know them a bit. So I can say with confidence that these two guys will be fantastic companions for anyone who wants to give them a home.

There are two caveats I should point out straightaway. Both of these guys have exhibited strong prey-drive tendencies, so they probably wouldn't be good with cats and possibly small dogs. And like every other Macau greyhound I have heard of, their teeth are in terrible shape. Dr. Willie at VCA Promenade did a lot of work on their teeth, but dental hygiene will need to be a focus for the rest of their lives.

Speedy in the FoG front yard
Speedy absorbs the sights and sounds of the FoG neighborhood.
Eight-year-old Speedy is the biggest personality of these two. He's curious about everything. He spends most of his time outside his kennel nosing everything -- the box of cookies on the shelf, the bag of laundry, the trash can, that random leaf in the grass, the bird feeder, the fence, the bench, the wall, everything. For a couple of days, he had a raw nose from poking his face through the openings in the chain-link kennel. He thought it was the greatest thing ever to be able to do that.

He can't get enough discovery. But as you can see in this video, he's usually never too distracted to come over for some human interaction.

Seven-year-old King, meanwhile, found a favorite toy in his kennel one day, and he's been attached to the hip of his green fuzzy friend ever since. Walk into the kennel area, and chances are extremely good that King will have Green Fuzzy tucked securely into his mouth. He tries to take his buddy outside into the yard much of the time. I let him take Green Fuzzy out with us the other day to get this video.

Like Speedy, King is affectionate as can be. He's more the leaning type. He can stand motionless against your legs for the longest time enjoying hand rubs on his torso.

Both of these guys are really quick to catch onto commands and eager to obey without resistance. I've found them extremely easy to get into and out of their kennels, to follow me back inside, to get their noses out of whatever I don't want their noses to be in.

Andrea, who adopted Noel, and Shawn, who took in Yukii, both have told me that their dogs are astonishingly fast on the uptake. They have learned new lessons about domestic life very quickly. I'm betting Speedy and King will, too.

That's about everything I can think of to tell you about these two guys. I have absolutely no doubts that King and Speedy would assimilate quickly into their new homes and families. Please go meet them. They'd be thrilled to have visitors. Contact Michelle or Jerry D. at Friends of Greyhounds to arrange a meeting.

King eyes a squirrel
King eyes a squirrel atop the fence in the FoG backyard.



About Dusty and me (Part 2)

A new Twitter greyhound friend

Speedy's brand new world

We're back!

Dusty's romp in the park