No word on Florida greyhounds, but Macau is sending some

Dusty and the FoG dogs
Yahtzee, Dusty, Chumlee and Mitzi (as well as the absent Joy) await the arrival of new friends from Macau.
A flood of abandoned greyhounds much of the public was expecting after the passage of Amendment 13 earlier this month hasn't happened. We still have very little word from anyone as to what is going to happen and when with all those Florida greyhounds.

I have been talking with Michelle and Jerry over at Friends of Greyhounds about what they might be hearing. Most of the phone calls and contacts they've been getting are from prospective fosters and adopters. We do hear rumors out of the racing kennels every now and then as to what might or might not be going on. As with all rumors, some are unsubstantiated, some are exaggerations and some are yet to be confirmed or denied.

Michelle has written a couple of blog posts to report what she's been hearing. Our best collaborative guess at this point is that racing at most of the Florida tracks is going to continue for another year or so ahead of the Dec. 31, 2020, deadline for abolishment. If that indeed is what happens, it probably means hounds won't be released to adoption kennels in any great numbers for at least another year.

In the meantime, FoG is gearing up to get back into the adoption business, having committed to take in five hounds that will be shipped to Miami next month from Macau, where the only operating dog track in Asia was shut down in July.

An animal-rights group in Macau was given custody of more than 500 hounds after the track was closed and has been sending them to the U.S. in small groups. I know Elite Greyhound Adoptions in Loxahatchee took in a couple or three several weeks ago and will get five more next month. Michelle will drive to Miami International Airport in early or mid-December to pick up five to board in the FoG kennels in Sunrise.

We have no idea of gender, age, health or other specifics about the dogs that will land at FoG. We might not know anything at all until Michelle takes custody of the them. The only thing we do know is that they'll be great dogs deserving of a good home, as all greyhounds are.

I'll keep you posted as things develop. Keep an eye on and as well as for updates. Those not in South Florida, get in touch with a nearby greyhound adoption group if you might be interested in taking in one of these lovely animals. The Greyhound Project's website has a search engine to help find a group near you.

CORRECTION: Elite Greyhound Adoptions is not participating in the Macau program. Sonia is taking in greyhounds from Hong Kong in a separate program. Visit Elite's website for further info.

UPDATE: Michelle and I will drive to MIA to pick up five hounds from Macau on Dec. 12. Stay tuned.



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About Dusty and me (Part 2)

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