We're back!

Hi, all. Dusty and I are back. Let the blogging resume.

We went radio silent three months ago after delivering Sly to her foster family. Dusty and I looked up at that point and realized that our buddies at Friends of Greyhounds had decided to close their kennels to new dogs and our favorite gathering haunts would no longer be available to us.

Dusty and me in a selfie
Dusty hasn't gotten the hang of doing a proper selfie.
So we decided to take a blogging break, at least for awhile. We did make the mistake of letting our domain expire, which is why you could no longer find the website if you went looking for it. But the domain was still ours to claim, which we did yesterday, about three days before it expired completely.

As many of you know, an amendment to the Florida Constitution to ban greyhound racing will be on the ballot in November. Most everyone fully expects it to pass, and racing kennels are starting to move out of the state in anticipation of the shutdown. If it does happen, tracks and trainers will have a little more than a year to wind down the industry, so we probably won't be flooded with abandoned greyhounds in December or anything like that.

But Michelle and Jerry D. over at FoG assure us that they will be ready to ramp back up to full steam when it's time. In the meantime, I'm going to keep my eyes and ears open as to what exactly we might expect to happen when the time comes. And I'll keep everyone posted as I learn.In the meantime, Dusty and will be taking it easy over the next three or four months as the ungodly tropical summer weather hits us. We plan to drop in here and catch you up at least once a week as we ride it out, and we'll keep you posted on any news that does happen.

In fact, there is one piece of news we can pass along. FoG did take in a new dog Saturday. I need to be particularly vague on the details, but 3-year-old Handsome turned up in Sunrise with a racing injury to his hind right leg.

He's not available for adoption at the moment -- he'll spend some time visiting veterinarians over the next couple weeks for evaluations and standard workups. Once we know what's up with the injury, we'll know more about his adoption availability. Stay tuned.

One more thing for now: In case you don't know, Sly didn't stay in her new home for long after her delivery in early March. Her health deteriorated rapidly within the next few days, and she crossed the bridge just a couple of weeks later.

Sorry to drop that here now, but I did feel like I needed to get that down and not leave it hanging.


  1. Replies
    1. Oh, Fella. He landed in a home in Sunrise not far from FoG. That happened a day or two after Sly was delivered to jer foster home. Thanks for jogging my memory to close his story.

  2. Glad you back up and running. So sad about Sly.
    Hoping to find a new place to gather soon


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About Dusty and me (Part 2)

A new Twitter greyhound friend

Speedy's brand new world

Dusty's romp in the park