Starsky meets his new family

Starsky meets his new family
Starsky meets his new family -- mom Debbie, brother Heff and sister Tara
Dusty got to spend the day Friday with her buddies in Sunrise while I made the drive with Michelle to Vero Beach to deliver Starsky to his new family.

Starsky is the 13-year-old white greyhound who landed at Friends of Greyhounds a couple of weeks ago via a Palm Beach County vet and animal shelter. He put a couple of pounds on his skinny frame while in Sunrise and got a clean bill of health from Dr. Ansara a couple of days ago.

Dusty, Luna and the FoGers
Dusty, Luna and the FoG dogs: 'Can we go to Vero with you?'
His new mom, Debbie, is a retired nurse who adopted a greyhound from FoG several years ago. She loves taking in special-needs greys and is dedicated to providing them a great home and the day-to-day care they need.

Debbie's friend Laurie, another greyhound lover, helped greet Starsky, Michelle and I when we arrived at Debbie's home in early afternoon. And all of us got to meet Starsky's new brother, 7-year-old Heff, and sister, 12-year-old Tara. Debbie later told us that Saturday will be Heff's first anniversary in the home.

Michelle and I got quite a bonus after all introductions were made and the adoption paperwork was completed -- Debbie and Laurie treated us to a selection of deli salads and cheese. It made for an excellent lunch and some freat greyhound-related conversation.

Starsky has been a champ through all the bouncing around in the past couple of weeks. But it looks like he's found a heck of a new home where he can settle in.

Next up, Michelle and I will drive over to Fort Myers on Saturday to introduce Handsome to a couple who want to adopt him assuming he gets along with the resident bulldog. I'll let you know how that goes.



About Dusty and me (Part 2)

Speedy's brand new world

Dusty's romp in the park

We're back!

A new Twitter greyhound friend