Charlie's in service; Kango checks in

Shawn and service dog Charlie
Shawn and Charlie show off his new service vest. Shawn said people generally ignore the "Do Not Pet" warning. Charlie, as a matter of fact, apparently thinks it says, "Please pet me."
Friends of Greyhounds alum Charlie has earned his vest as a service dog. The 5-year-old, who lives in Davie with mom Shawn and older sister Dee Dee, recently graduated from a six-month course in PTSD and mobility service.

Such a handsome devil
One handsome devil ...
Shawn, a captain in the Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Department, said Charlie is the first service dog in a department pilot program. "Many departments are using therapy dogs to manage PTSD and other issues," Shawn explained in an email. "Charlie is being used on debriefings and more. He's touched many of my co-workers in touching ways, and more are now interested in the program."

Shawn said the department is employing Charlie "on critical stress-team callouts and for firefighters in crisis."

Shawn adopted Charlie from FoG in 2015. Eleven-year-old Dee Dee joined the family in July.

KANGO CHECKS IN: Officer Rick sent us a few photos and videos last week to let us know that Kango is loving life in his Cutler Bay home. Kango definitely is loving playtime with Dad in his backyard. Have a look at my favorites:

Kango on the move
Kango on the move



About Dusty and me (Part 2)

A new Twitter greyhound friend

Dusty's romp in the park

Speedy's brand new world

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