A day at the ranch

Luna taking it easy at Dog Dude Ranch
Luna finds some respite in a dirt bed originally constructed by Savvy with some help from Dusty.
AccuWeather kept warning there would be rain, but the skies stayed dry all day for a greyt gathering at Dog Dude Ranch.

The Friends of Greyhounds-coordinated event gave Dusty a chance to hang out off-leash with a few old friends. We saw a surprising number of hounds of the black variety -- Kal, Frozen, Rainey, Luna and Slinky among them. And we got a chance to see Savvy, my favorite boy hound in the world.

I have a short video that shows everyone who was there a couple of hours in. It was easy to get everyone in the shot -- there wasn't much energy being expended at this point. 

We always have a great time at these gatherings. Come on out to the next one. Nothing is set on the calendar at this point. I'll let you know when we get something scheduled.

There's some new signage at the former barbecue stand at Flamingo Road Nursery that suggests it will be taken over by the folks who sell salads and wraps on the other side of the grounds. Michelle and I hope to get over there in the coming week to find out what's up. We'll let you know.



About Dusty and me (Part 2)

Speedy's brand new world

Dusty's romp in the park

We're back!

A new Twitter greyhound friend