Spa day at FoG

Fella gets a pawdicure in the Groom Waggin spa
Fella looks to me for help, but I was busy taking photos.
Yahtzee talking to Mike in the Groom Waggin spa
Yahtzee bargaining with the devil
Old friend Mike brought the Groom Waggin mobile doggie spa to Sunrise today to give Friends of Greyhounds' 10 guest and resident hounds a little freshening up.

All of them were getting a bit long in the toenails, and Mike, as always, stopped by the shelter to give pawdicures for all.

Mike's a longtime supporter -- in fact, he and his wife have a couple of greyhounds adopted from FoG. He picked up his two dogs' kennel collars from Michelle while he was there.

Groom Waggin has been giving pawdicures to FoG dogs off and on for a few years. Mike's visits have been sporadic, though, and always overdue by the time he arrives. Today, he told Michelle he would start putting her on his calendar and schedule regular visits.

Casey in the Groom Waggin spa
Casey trying his best to be brave
The Davie-based Groom Waggin takes its mobile spa all over South Florida. Mike pulls his trailer right up into your driveway and gives full-service spa treatments to dogs of all sizes -- shampoos, pawdicures, grooming, the whole 9 yards. Mike tells you all about his business at Give him a call at 954-474-7387 to set up a visit.

TWO FoG EVENTS: FoG has another outing scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 3, at Dog Dude Ranch in Miami-Dade. Dusty and I didn't get to the one last weekend, but I hear there was a great turnout and everyone had a great time. We plan to see you there at the next one.

Just added to the calendar is another gathering at One Last Cast BBQ on the grounds of Flamingo Road Nursery in Davie. This one is set for Sunday, Dec. 10.

nose-to-tail pet insurance coverage with Embrace



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About Dusty and me (Part 2)

We're back!

Dusty's romp in the park