Collars all around

John G. with Bo
John G. says hi to Bo, who we used to know as Boogie. In the background are Bruce (formerly Posey) and Knuckles.
It was a glorious day for a gathering of greys. Midday temperatures got into the 80s and the sun was bright for much of the day. But One Last BBQ provided plenty of shade, and the tropical breezes made for a beautiful afternoon.

Joy G with her three dogs
Joy gets a family photo with Turtle, David and Honey.
Friends of Greyhounds had a great turnout for its gathering today at the barbecue stand at Flamingo Road Nursery. The big attraction: Boxes and boxes of kennel collars Michelle and Jerry D. have collected over the years. FoG put out the word earlier in the week that adopters wishing to claim those mementos of their hounds' histories could pick them up at the BBQ gathering.

And a lot of old friends showed up to do just that. The collars giveaway is looking like a hit. Michelle distributed dozens of them today and has heard from several other adopters who weren't able to be there.

The collars will be in the FoG greyhound bus again next Sunday, Nov. 19, for the hounds' play date at Dog Dude Ranch at 6305 SW 120th Ave. in Miami. Send Michelle an email at for details on how you can claim your dogs' collars.

Friends of Greyhounds adoptable hounds Kelly and Mercury
Kelly and Mercury got out of the kennels for an afternoon of fresh air.



A new Twitter greyhound friend

Dusty's romp in the park

About Dusty and me (Part 2)

Speedy's brand new world

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