Jagger lands in Central Florida

Jagger and Facebook at home in Ocala
Jagger, left, and Facebook in a face-to-face sleep-off
Jagger, the energetic 8-year-old boy who stayed with Dusty and me for a few days recently, has been delivered to his new home in Ocala.

Jagger with his new family
Jagger, left, with Mark and Facebook
Jagger was taken in Friday by former Fort Lauderdale resident Mark, a veteran Friends of Greyhounds adopter who moved to Central Florida a few years ago with his hounds Taylor and Facebook.

Mark lost Taylor recently and was keeping his eyes open for another older, hefty greyhound who could join him and Face on the long car rides and walks they love. He thought he might have found the hound he was looking for after reading about Jagger here and on the FoG website. He peppered Michelle and me with some email questions about Jagger and got the answers he wanted.

Michelle put Jagger in the back of Jerry D.'s SUV (no transport kennel required) and made the long round trip Friday.

Mercury at Friends of Greyhounds
Mark dropped a couple of photos of Jagger in his new home along with word that the boy is happy to be there. He's got a couple of routine parasite issues to deal with, but Jagger should be clean as a whistle in no time.

In the meantime, sculpted fawn athlete Mercury went out on a home trial Saturday morning in Plantation. But it didn't work out, and he's still in the kennels as his search for a family continues.

Mercury did fine with his prospective greyhound sibling who visited him at FoG earlier in the week. But he didn't react well when he met a small-breed dog in the home. Mercury confirmed what we already suspected -- he needs a home that does not include cats or small dogs.




About Dusty and me (Part 2)

We're back!

A new Twitter greyhound friend

Dusty's romp in the park

Speedy's brand new world