Taylor's new home and two FoG arrivals

Taylor with Crystal and Bailey
Taylor with Crystal and his new canine sibling, Bailey
I usually write up news like this as it happens. But it's been a crazy couple of days in Dusty Land, so apologies for being late.

We'll start with news about Taylor. The beautiful white hound with the gimpy leg found himself a family Tuesday -- Crystal delivered her adoption application to Friends of Greyhounds shortly after Michelle and I returned from delivering Kango to his family.

Crystal had her eye on three hounds, but Taylor was her first choice. He made the choice easy for Crystal when he was the only one of the three to pass an impromptu cat-tolerance test.

Michelle and I delivered Taylor to Crystal's townhouse in Coconut Creek on Thursday. He will need to navigate a long, steep but straight and carpeted stairway to get in and out of his new home. He did pretty well going up and then down for the first time with human assistance. It'll be a challenge for him for a few days, but he should get the hang of it with some practice.

Mattie at Friends of Greyhounds
Crystal told us she plans to give Taylor a new name: Pharoah. The two will be sharing a home with Crystal's longtime boyfriend, a small canine sibling and a collection of fish, snakes, iguanas and one or two other animals throughout the townhouse.

Meanwhile, as hounds go out to homes, more come into the kennels, keeping FoG pretty close to capacity at all times these days.

Oddly enough, more girls are coming in than boys are going out these days. Michelle said this might be the first time the Sunrise kennel has had more females than males.

Two girls arrived this week.

First was Mattie, a spirited youngster who came in from the Florida Kennels compound in Hialeah. She's straight off the track after a 128-race career.

Dee Dee at Friends of Greyhounds
Dee Dee
I haven't had a chance yet to get to know her very well. All I can tell you now is that it was tough to get a photo of her because she really wanted to stay close. Every time I would back away from her to get a picture and then say her name to get her to look at me, she thought that was her cue to come romp and play. She's a cutie. I'll tell you more about her as I get to know her better.

Next in the kennel was Dee Dee. Dee Dee is a senior, 11 years old, who finds herself back at the FoG kennels for the third time. She's been in two homes, only to find herself back in the kennels through no fault of her own because of changes in family situations. She spent a few years in each of her two homes, so she knows how to live with a family. Now she's looking for another one to spend the rest of her days with. She's healthy, has shown a good appetite since she arrived Wednesday. Hopefully someone will come check her out and take her home soon. We don't want her to stay in the kennels for too long.

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