Reminder: Scouts & Hounds Pot Luck Dinner

If you have not yet RSVP'd for the Scouts & Hounds Pot Luck Dinner with the Greyhounds, please do so now. Co-sponsor Friends of Greyhounds is putting together final arrangements.

Scouts & Hounds flyer

Sounds like a fun time -- certainly a unique idea. FoG is sharing the Hollywood Jaycees Hall with the local Girls Scouts for a shared event. The two groups will auction items to raise funds for FoG and the South Florida Wildlife Center.

The hall can be a little tough to find. The street address is 2930 Hollywood Blvd. As you can see on this map, it's not actually on Hollywood Boulevard. Here's a video I shot from the passenger seat a few days ago as Michelle drove to the hall. The video begins as we are exiting I-95 southbound at the Hollywood Boulevard exit.



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