Dee Dee in Davie: Day 2

Dee Dee in her new bed
Dee Dee feeling at home
Shawn sent along a couple more photos of Dee Dee in her new home.

Shawn said in an email that she's not the only one in the household thrilled to have Dee Dee. Since Shawn's hound Zen passed a couple of weeks ago, Charlie had been suffering some separation anxiety when Shawn would leave the house, she said. But Dee Dee's presence already has gone a long way to ease Charlie's pain, she said.

"She's the sweetest, easiest thing to care for," Shawn wrote about Dee Dee. "She does everything you tell her, literally. She is so affectionate but sometimes looks sad. I'm sure she misses her other family, but I just cuddle her hoping it comforts her.

"She moves slowly and has the signs of an elderly dog. And she deserves much better than that in her final years. Charlie loves her, and his anxiety is much better, especially when I leave the house. I can't help but stop and pet her instead of just walk by because she's so good and sweet. She's loved here."

Seems like this family's a keeper, Dee Dee. Make the most of it.

Dee Dee and Charlie fast asleep
Charlie certainly seems comfortable with Dee Dee sleeping next to him.



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