Signs of greyhound life

Jerry sits over a sunbathing Dusty
No, Jerry, really, don't worry. Dusty's OK. She decided to get in some impromptu sunbathing on our way out to the car after our Monday morning visit to Friends of Greyhounds. I was walking her across the front yard to the Kia Koach when she decided to take a break. And I couldn't persuade her to get up. Michelle and Jerry walked over to laugh about it, and I grabbed my camera. Jerry's prayerful pose, which I saw only after I looked through the shots when I got home, is a happy accident.
Dusty and I got back home last night after five days sitting with Holly and the cats. Holly was as happy and excited as I've ever seen her when Frank and Janice walked through the door. My, she was happy to have mom and dad back home.

Dusty back in her favorite bed
Dusty gets really comfy shortly after arriving back home.
And Dusty was thrilled to death to be able to crawl into her own bed, as you can see here. It didn't take her long at all to get comfortable.

We drove over to Friends of Greyhounds this morning to meet the two newest guys, Taylor and Savvy, for the first time. Taylor's a big white brindle-spotted 3-year-old who is going to need some time for an injured foot to heal. Savvy is another big guy, a 2-year-old who is a dead ringer for Randy, all the way up to the forward-pointing ears.

FoG's kennels are at capacity right now, with eight boys and one girl. Michelle has the guest roster up to date, which you can check here.

Only one thing on the calendar at the moment, another FoG meet-and-greet at the Pet Supermarket in western Boca Raton on May 21. Michelle and I spent a few minutes this morning kicking around a couple ideas for get-togethers in the next few weeks. I'll keep you posted if anything comes to fruition.

In the meantime, Dusty asked me to put out a call to her fans to tell her about your greyhounds and their stories. Check out the new Contact Dusty page or check the sidebar on our home page (click the three horizontal lines at the top left) to find out how to get info to us.



About Dusty and me (Part 2)

We're back!

A new Twitter greyhound friend

Dusty's romp in the park

Speedy's brand new world