It runs in the family

Casey at FoG
Casey still wants to stay close to home.
Dusty and I answered an emergency call from Michelle this morning. She and Jerry got tied up longer than expected on a personal errand, so Dusty and I drove to Sunrise to give the Friends of Greyhounds dogs their noon breaks.

Herman at Friends of Greyhounds
Herman looking for love
We're always happy for that task. Dusty gets to run outside with her friends Chumlee, Joy, Yahtzee and Mitzi. And, of course, I get to spend a little one-on-one time with a couple of the dogs.

It was my first real chance to get to know Herman since Michelle and I picked him up in Central Florida with his brother Buford a couple of weeks ago. It turns out the big white 3-year-old guy is just like his brother -- he loves human attention. Just like Buford, Herman is happy to body-lean against my legs for as long as I'm happy to give him petting attention. He loves it.

And, of course, I had to get in my time with Casey, who's feeling more confident by the day. He's happy to come out of his kennel now to greet me. Today, he actually showed a little playful excitement for me when I opened his gate. Casey's a great guy, a muscular, dark-fawn fella with black face trimmings -- and still very young. He won't be 2 years old until July. He'll be an extremely loyal companion to whomever eventually gives him a home.



About Dusty and me (Part 2)

Speedy's brand new world

Dusty's romp in the park

We're back!

A new Twitter greyhound friend