Enjoying some fresh air

Dusty and I were back in Sunrise today for a scheduled volunteer shift at Friends of Greyhounds. The day was overcast and breezy ahead of some incoming thunderstorms -- a nice breath of pleasant fresh air. So I took the opportunity to spend some time out in the yard with a few of the hounds.

Nothing of note to report today, but I got a couple of photos and videos to share. Enjoy.

Stormy hanging out in the yard
Whatever I said, Stormy thought it was funny. Check Dusty's Videos for a quick vid I got of this beauty.
Casey hanging outside
It took some work, but I got Casey to go outside with me. He tentatively followed me out to the back of the L-shaped yard -- all the while staying several feet behind me and freezing as soon as I would turn around and look for him. In the end, all he really wanted was to go back inside to his safe spot in his kennel.
Calendar reminder: Dusty and I plan to join Michelle and a couple of FoG adoptables Sunday at Pet Supermarket in Boca Raton. Check Dusty's Calendar for details. Please stop by and say hello if you're in the area.



A new Twitter greyhound friend

About Dusty and me (Part 2)

We're back!

Speedy's brand new world

Dusty's romp in the park