Burning off some energy

The intense suns of summer began arriving here in South Florida a couple weeks ago. And I started getting distracted and a little lazy, depriving Dusty of her regular visits to the dog park.

Dusty taking a breather at Gary B Jones Park
Taking a breather
On that note, two things started happening in the past few days -- the guilts about it started playing on my brain and Dusty has been showing signs of restlessness.

But I got motivated this morning and put the girl in the Kia Koach about 8 a.m. for the short drive north to Gary B Jones Park for People and Pups.

We weren't there long. We had some cloud cover and a hint of a breeze, so it was reasonably pleasant in the shade. But Dusty only needed about a half-dozen ball-chasing sprints to become gassed as the temperature moved into the 90s.

Here's one of them (note that she's mastered the art of chasing and retrieving but not necessarily of returning):

It was enough -- mission accomplished. I have a wiped-out greyhound sprawled sleeping in her bed now, a couple hours later. She'll be good to go for a couple of days. Some short walks every few hours, a visit or two to her friends in Sunrise and a gathering Saturday at Flamingo Road Nursery will keep her energies moderated for the rest of the week.

(Email subscribers: Go to Dusty's Videos to see the video referenced above.)

Dusty after run in the park
Cool tile floors are great after a summer romp in the park.



About Dusty and me (Part 2)

Speedy's brand new world

Dusty's romp in the park

We're back!

A new Twitter greyhound friend