Buford's new home

Buford and Travis
Buford and Travis a few feet outside their new apartment
That didn't take long. It wasn't two weeks ago when I rode to Orlando with Michelle to pick up a couple of greyhounds from Sanford Orlando Kennel Club. And now Buford, the light-colored brindle love bug who just turned 3 years old last month, already has himself a home.

Travis found Friends of Greyhounds through an online search a few days ago and visited the kennels Thursday to meet some of the guests. He said he had in mind one of the black greyhounds he saw on the FoG website. But once he got there and as Jerry was introducing him to all the guests, Travis fell in love with the leg-leaning Buford.

Michelle and I delivered Buford this morning to Travis and his new apartment in Hallandale Beach. The apartment is on the top floor of a three-story apartment building a few feet from the Intracoastal Waterway. Michelle and I both were a little apprehensive when we saw it, wondering what would be the best way to get Buford up the outside steps to the apartment.

But Buford was a champ. I led him on his leash, and Buford figured the stair-climbing trick by the time we got to the third step. Remarkably, he caught on just as quickly for the usually scary trip back down.

All he wanted was to get up or get down, just get wherever the heck we were going, so he could get back to leaning on one of us humans. Such a great greyhound, that Buford.

Travis and his girlfriend are in the process of moving from New Jersey, where he plans to keep his home as a frequent getaway. So Buford will enjoy lots of road trips in the car with his new family. He's going to be one happy dog.


  1. Greyhounds usually acclimate quickly but i think Buford set a world's record! I was just thrilled for him. They will make a good team.


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About Dusty and me (Part 2)

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