A hot time was had by all

Four black hounds at Flamingo Road Nursery
A black-hound convention: Molly, Dusty, Domino and Slinky
It wasn't the biggest crowd for a Friends of Greyhounds gathering at One Last Cast BBQ. But it certainly was the hottest.

At one point about halfway in, Jerry B checked the weather status on his brand-spanking-new smartphone, and he said the Feels Like was 99.

It wasn't completely unbearable. We did have some nice shade cover out on the patio and we would catch a nice breeze now and then. But the hounds weren't very active, preferring to find a relatively cool spot to lie down. And not many of the humans stayed around for the entire four hours.

Jerry B. and Slinky
Jerry B. and his lap dog, Slinky
All that said, it still turned out to be a good afternoon. Old FoG friend Daniel, who lost Jeff to bone cancer a few months back, came to tell Jerry D. and Michelle that he is ready to adopt a new companion. He set up an appointment to stop by the Sunrise kennels Monday to check out the dogs on hand. He bonded really well with Domino today, and I'm guessing that's going to be a match.

Michelle spent awhile talking with a young couple who came for a visit after checking out friendsofgreyhounds.org last week. Posey put on a nice audition for them, and it seemed like they might be serious about adopting.

And Rick and Janine drove all the way up from Cutler Bay with their two daughters and their hound, Bullet. They're the family Michelle and I visited a few weeks ago with Kango, the FoG guest whose eyesight is failing. They're still considering taking in Kango. Michelle learned something a couple of weeks ago about Kango's history that might be significant. She wants to have another conversation with the veterinarian specialist to see if it might make a difference in his prognosis.

Other than that, we saw a few regulars. Mike was there with Andy, as always. Beth and David brought Molly. Randy and Jill brought Slash and birthday girl Rainey. And Jerry B. came with Slinky.

Michelle is squeezing in one more outdoors outing this season -- a leash-free play date for the dogs June 4 at Dog Dude Ranch in Miami. Check Dusty's Calendar for details.


  1. I am so tickled to see so many black dogs in one photo!! When we started FoG years ago, many greyhound rescues didn’t bother trying to adopt the black dogs because no one wanted them. They were “bad luck” or “they gray early”. The internet helped us turn that tide. And nothing beats the shine of a beautiful black greyhound – except a gathering of four or five of them!! They’ve in turn brought us good luck in that we have met so many wonderful adopters and friends. Many thanks to Ted Twist and the BBQ gang at Flamingo Nursery. We’ll be back when the weather cools down!


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