Kango gets a home visit

Another day, another visit for Dusty with her buddies in Sunrise as Michelle and I drove south again, this time to introduce Kango to a prospective family.

Kango on his home visit
Kango, on red leash, with Rick and Bullet
Kango, in case you don't remember, is a special-needs dog in the Friends of Greyhounds kennels. He took a nasty tumble in a race in December and suffered a skull injury that is robbing him of his sight.

Janine and Rick and their daughters, who took in former FoG guest Bullet the Blue Sky a little more than a year ago, are considering adding another greyhound to the family. Janine is an avid reader of John's Happy Tales Report, the FoG blog, where she learned about Kango. She called FoG last week and asked if she and Rick could drive to Sunrise from their home in Cutler Bay to meet him.

Michelle talked to them a couple of more times, and they decided it would be better to have Kango come to their home to see how he would react to the environment -- and how Bullet would react to him.

Kango is a sweet, friendly dog with a great disposition. And he was great in his audition today. He loved meeting everyone, and he enjoyed exploring Janine and Rick's nice home with its big fenced backyard. Janine and Rick, their daughters and a couple of other visiting family members all seemed to take to Kango.

But they have a big decision to make, whether they want to take on Kango's special needs. He will be completely sightless in a few months, and Rick and Janine asked a lot of questions and discussed it extensively with Michelle. They're going to take a few days to consider taking him in. I have my fingers crossed. But I know that whatever they decide will be the right decision for their family.



About Dusty and me (Part 2)

A new Twitter greyhound friend

Speedy's brand new world

We're back!

Dusty's romp in the park