Good Friday at Friends of Greyhounds

Dusty with FOG house dogs
Dusty with three of the four Friends of Greyhounds permanent residents -- Mitzi, Chumlee and Yahtzee
Dusty and I got over to Sunrise today to give the Friends of Greyhounds residents and guests their noon walks while Michelle and Jerry were away taking care of other business.

Michelle delivered PJ to his new home a couple of days ago, which means we're down to seven in the guest quarters. We've had as many as nine and as few as three in the kennel since I started volunteering in July 2016.

The newest guest in the kennel is Nadine, who arrived about a week ago. This little red beauty is buff. She's the only girl in the kennel at the moment.

Ralph is the veteran of the crew. He's been a guest of FOG for about six months, and he's ready to find a family. Ralphy, as I call him because of his pronounced Roman nose, is a strong guy with a big personality. He's extremely friendly, loves human interaction. He's about as assertive as a greyhound can be, so he's not looking for a home with smaller animals. But if you have another bigger dog or two or some space he can call his own, he'd make a great addition to your family.

Casey is my special FOG friend at the moment. He's been with us for about a month now. He's pretty shy, the yin to Ralphy's yang. He's happy to greet me and snuggle my hand if I reach through the opening to his kennel's gate. But soon as that gate comes open, he freezes and tries to go invisible. I've been working with him a bit -- I've got him to a point where he'll take a couple of steps toward me to take a cookie from my hand before he retreats. He's getting a little braver around me, but he still much prefers that closed gate between us.

Here's a video I shot today. I was holding the phone in my right hand and holding out my left hand. He ventured forth to try to find a cookie but retreated soon as he learned I didn't have one. I did give him one as soon as I shut off the video, and he reluctantly but happily reached out to grab it.

Kango really needs a home as soon as he can find one. He had a terrible accident in his last race a few months ago. He suffered a nasty head injury in a pileup and as a result is losing his sight. Michelle really wants to get him into a home soon as possible so he can learn his way around before he goes completely blind.

Randy, Ringo and Domino all came in on the same day about three weeks ago. Randy is a big, beautiful red dog who might have a future as an advertising model. Ringo is a nice friendly fellow who doesn't put up much of a fuss about anything. Domino is another black beauty with a big personality. He's a rambunctious fellow.

If you have room for one of these guys (or the girl), please consider adding to your family. Even if you don't care to adopt but would like to provide a foster home, that would be helpful, too.

Michelle and Jerry do god's work with these beautiful animals, and they could use whatever help you can give them. Call FOG ( at 954-578-0072 and ask whatever questions you might have.

Thanks for listening. Please, help out my friends at FOG. You can click this button to donate through PayPal:



About Dusty and me (Part 2)

A new Twitter greyhound friend

Speedy's brand new world

We're back!

Dusty's romp in the park